Surface Design & Glaze
Difficulty: Intermediate
August 1 – September 15
Mondays @ 6-8pm
Traditions of the World
Category: Sports
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Most people love sports, and one of the most popular is undoubtedly soccer. Who has not watched the Soccer World Cup and the Women’s Soccer World Cup? Who has not felt attracted to the official jerseys? It raises passions among children and adults. Such passion has created dozens of traditions around soccer and adding!
In SOCCER A WORLD OF TRADITIONS, our adventurous characters, Bruce and Karilou, will share their passion for soccer. They are elite players in their school’s teams. They will take you through the soccer history and traditions in the school Open House.
Bruce and Karilou will tell you about the many traditions around soccer. They’ll show you why it is surrounded by social activities and even governments pay attention to it.
Soccer is much more than only a sport. It’s a social phenomenon. It’s inclusive and diverse.
As usual, we have included a free activity workbook you can download for free. The link is in the book. You will find a ball model, 3D fractals, puzzles, and more. Have fun!