Surface Design & Glaze
Difficulty: Intermediate
August 1 – September 15
Mondays @ 6-8pm
Traditions of the World
Category: Sports
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In TENNIS, A ROYAL SPORT FULL OF TRADITIONS, Karilou, Bruce, and Maryfer tell us about tennis, a very old sport. It was born in France around the 12th century and soon became the favorite sport of European royalty. Since then, traditions have been born in every place where it is played.
Today, tennis is one of the most popular sports worldwide and is full of traditions; some are old, others recent, but each one gives it familiarity and makes it more fun.
Karilou and Bruce love learning about traditions. This time, Maryfer, Karilou’s cousin, has joined them; she is a junior tennis player. They will make an exciting trip with their families; they are traveling to New York to attend the US Open!
This is something entirely new and exciting for Karilou and Bruce.
And since they are curious kids, they decided to research everything about tennis.
Join them on their journey. You’re going to have a great time.
As always, a free digital Activity Workbook comes with your Traditions of the World book. Inside you’ll find instructions to get it.